For an ergodic Brownian diffusion with invariant measure ν, we consider a sequence of empirical distributions (νn) n≥1 associated with an approximation scheme with decreasing time step (γn) n≥1 along an adapted regular enough class of test functions f such that f −ν(f ) is a coboundary of the infinitesimal generator A. Denote by σ the diffusion coefficient and ϕ the solution of the Poisson equation Aϕ = f − ν(f ). When the square norm |σ * ∇ϕ| 2 lies in the same coboundary class as f , we establish sharp non-asymptotic concentration bounds for suitable normalizations of νn(f ) − ν(f ). Our bounds are optimal in the sense that they match the asymptotic limit obtained by Lamberton and Pagès in [LP02], for a certain large deviation regime. In particular, this allows us to derive sharp non-asymptotic confidence intervals. Eventually, we are able to handle, up to an additional constraint on the time steps, Lipschitz sources f in an appropriate non-degenerate setting.