In the Siberian Altai Mountains, where the sources of the River Ob are located, ice-dammed lake outburst fl oods, so-called jökulhlaups, occurred in Pleistocene times. Valley glaciers extended within the upper Chuja River catchment and dammed the river upstream of the village of Aktash, which generated ice-dammed lakes in the intramountainous Kuray and Chuja Basins. Indicated by shorelines and ice-rafted boulder deposits, the maximum lake level reached an altitude of 2100 m above sea level, which reveals a maximum lake volume of 607 km 3 . The failure of the ice dam caused outburst fl oods, which left traces by giant bars, fl uvial gravel dunes, and boulder deposits. Run-up sediments deposited in front of local obstructions along the valley slopes indicate a maximum depth of fl ow of 400 m above the valley bottom. Like the giant bars, they consist of characteristic relatively fi ne suspension gravels. Occasionally, secondary lakes are formed in tributary valleys that were blocked by giant bar deposits. The alternation of lacustrine deposits and suspension gravels in the tributary Injushka valley near Inja village give evidence for at least three large outburst fl oods. Age estimations by a variety of dating methods, such as luminescence methods, exposure dating, and accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon applied on different fl ood features and lake sediments, indicate that the outburst fl oods occurred between 40 ka and 13 ka. This estimation should be taken as preliminary, as problems occurred with the different dating techniques, resulting in partly contradictory results. This study focuses on the paleohydraulic reconstruction of the fl ood rather than describing fl ood-related features in detail. Seven different approaches are applied to estimate the discharge of the fl oods. Several new methods are developed within the study, partly based on previous approaches carefully considering the hydraulic background. Data for paleohydraulic estimations are obtained during repeated fi eld trips by observations, surveys, and sedimentological investigations in Chuja and Katun valleys. Peak discharge is estimated by the elevation of the surfaces of the giant bars indicating the depth of fl ow and additionally by the run-up sediments, which reveal information about the velocity head of the fl ood fl ow along the valleys. A value of 10 × 10 6 m 3 /s is estimated for peak discharge, which is considerably less than previous estimations derived. Dimensions of gravel dunes and obstacle marks obtain information of fl ow conditions during the decreasing fl ood. The application of regression formulae between drained lake volume and peak discharge, an established method to estimate discharges of jökulhlaups, and estimation of fl ow velocity considering fl ow *herget on May 27, 2015 Downloaded from 2 J. Herget competence indicated by transported boulders yield problems as the magnitude of the outburst fl oods and the size of the boulders are beyond the level of experience.Based on the...