“…The total energy E= ε+ 1 2 v 2 +k is composed of the internal energy ε=Σ i ( Y i (h i,f θ + C p,i (T)dT T 0 T ∫ ))−p/ρ , the kinetic energy 1 2 v 2 , and the subgrid kinetic energy k. The chemical kinetics of a generic reaction mechanism, P ji r ℑ i ⇔P ji p ℑ i , in which ℑ i represents species i, enters the species equations (1 2 ) by means of the low-pass filtered species reaction rate, w i =M i P ij w j , in which w j =A j T n j e −T A /T Π k=1 N (ρY k ) b k are the Arrhenius reaction rates, P ji =P ji r −P ji p the stoichiometric coefficients, M i the species molar mass, A j the pre-exponential factors, T A,j the activation temperatures, n j the temperature exponent and b j the reaction orders for reaction j. The subgrid flow physics is concealed in the subgrid stress B=ρ(v⊗ṽ − v⊗ v) , and [7,19], that are here modeled by mixed models, [20][21], so that B=ρ(…”