This note is dedicated to the centennial jubilee of the Russian Academician Yury Rabotnov, who was a pioneer in the application of fractional operators in Mechanics of Solids. In the present Note, the authors wish to present a contemporary handling of Rabotnov operators introduced in 1948 and to show their connectedness with fractional derivatives, what provides the ageless interest to his ideas and results.MSC 2010 : 01A60, 26A33, 33E12, 34A08, 74D05, 74G50 Key Words and Phrases: fractional calculus, Rabotnov fractional exponential function, generalized Rabotnov fractional operator model * On February 24, 2014, Russian science and fractional calculus community all over the world celebrated the centennial anniversary of the birthday of the Russian Academician Yury Nikolaevich Rabotnov who was an outstanding scientist in the field of Solid Mechanics and made a basic contribution to the development of the theory of elasticity and plasticity, the theory of shells and stability of elastic and viscoplastic systems, the creep theory of metals and the hereditary theory of elasticity. He actively worked in the new directions of damage and fracture mechanics and mechanics of composite materials.