The plastic deformation of polycrystalline metals is carried by the motion of dislocations on specific crystallographic glide planes. According to the thermodynamics theory of slip, in the regime of strain rates, roughly from 10 -5 /s to 10 5 /s, dislocation motion is thermally activated. Dislocations must overcome barriers in order to move, and this concept defines critical activation stresses on a slip system s that evolve as a function of strain rate and temperature. The fundamental flow rule in crystal visco-plasticity theory that involves in order to activate slip has a power-law form:. This form is desirable because it provides uniqueness of solution for the active slip systems that accommodate an imposed strain rate; however, it also introduces astrain rate dependence, which in order to represent the actual behavior of polycrystalline materials deforming in relevant conditions of temperature and strainrate usually needs to be describedby a high value of the exponent n. However, since until now the highest value of n was limited by numerical tractability, the use of the power-law flow rule frequently introduced an artificially high rate-sensitivity.All prior efforts tocorrect thisextraneous rate sensitivity have only lessened its effect and unfortunatelyalso at the expense of substantial increases in computation time. To this day, a solutionfor the power-law exponent reflecting true material behavior is still sought. This article provides a novel method enablingthe use of realistic material strain rate-sensitivity exponents to be used within the crystal vico-plasticity theory without increasing computation time involved in polycrystal simulations. Calculations are performed for polycrystalline pure Cu and excellent agreement with experimental measurement is demonstrated.