For many tiller crops, the plant architecture (PA), including the plant fresh weight, plant height, number of tillers, tiller angle and stem diameter, signi¯cantly a®ects the grain yield. In this study, we propose a method based on volumetric reconstruction for high-throughput three-dimensional (3D) wheat PA studies. The proposed methodology involves plant volumetric reconstruction from multiple images, plant model processing and phenotypic parameter estimation and analysis. This study was performed on 80 Triticum aestivum plants, and the results were analyzed. Comparing the automated measurements with manual measurements, the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) in the plant height and the plant fresh weight was 2.71% (1.08 cm with an average plant height of 40.07 cm) and 10.06% (1.41 g with an average plant fresh weight of 14.06 g), respectively. The root mean square error (RMSE) was 1.37 cm and 1.79 g for the plant height and plant fresh weight, respectively. The correlation coe±cients were 0. plant height and plant fresh weight, respectively. Additionally, the proposed methodology, including plant reconstruction, model processing and trait extraction, required only approximately 20 s on average per plant using parallel computing on a graphics processing unit (GPU), demonstrating that the methodology would be valuable for a high-throughput phenotyping platform.