Considering the rapid movement of the United States and other countries towards an information society, it is of great importance to provide the masses with access to computer technology and its ever-growing benefits. In many cases, "access" means having the actual technology (computer hardware); other times "access" involves the designing of the computer interface so that the user can effectively learn to use it. This research addresses a problem that centers on the fact that apparent disparities persist in computer use/access among racial minorities, persons of lower economic status and lower education here in the United States [1; 2; 3; 4]. As our nation becomes progressively more information driven, the people (all people) need to have access to tools that will help them to exploit the use of the information provided. Individuals who lack access will be at a great social and economic disadvantage.There may be various interventions and solutions that can and should be used to dismantle the problem existing between the technology "haves" and "have-nots." However, one aspect of the problem could be associated with culture and its influence on cognition. Therefore, one solution may involve computer design interventions that take the influence of culture on cognition into account. For example, Nesbitt and Norenzayan [5] report that cultural practices and cognitive processes are tied together. They also state that those cultural practices in turn guide certain kinds of cognitive processes. Nesbitt and Norenzayan [5] further specify that cultural schema and cultural models are produced within a cultural group. Cultural models are event schema that appropriately connect people with events, the social roles that they play, the objects they use, and the order of actions that they take. These models are the tools that individuals in cultural groups use to moderate how they function, perform rituals, and play games [5].There are many racial and ethnic cultures represented in the United States.Beyond the racial and ethnic cultures are those cultures defined by one's socioeconomic status.One could project that those differences in culture should be a consideration for building effective computer interface designs. A method to address the issue of cultural differences, and facilitate learning among users, is to select appropriate computer interface metaphors for a given cultural group. Interface metaphors provide the benefit of user familiarity [6]. These metaphors assist users in their expectations and predictions of computer system behavior or functionality [6]. Interface metaphors allow the user to exploit their current knowledge of other areas when learning how to use a computer [7]. The most common example of an interface metaphor is the "desktop" metaphor, which is the primary interface model for desktop/personal computing. Accordingly, this research will explore computer interface metaphors as they relate to the economically underserved in comparison to cultures that are more economically affluent.In addition to exp...