Today most VLSI circuits are built in silicon using CMOS transistors. Developments in design automation and process fabrication have resulted in the progressive increase of the number of transistors per chip and decrease in the size of the transistors. But transistor designers are fast approaching fundamental physical barriers to further size reduction. Thus engineers are looking at alternate technologies such as nanodevices and biocircuits for next-generation circuits. In our research, we concentrate on the development of biocircuits and their applications. Our eventual goal is the design and simulation of complete systems integrating biocircuits and VLSI technology appropriately. Biocircuits are circuits developed in vivo or in vitro, using DNA and proteins. A biological process such as glycolysis or bioluminescence can be viewed as a genetic regulatory circuit, a complex set of biochemical reactions regulating the behavior of genes, operons, DNA, RNA and proteins. Similar to voltage in an electrical circuit, a genetic regulatory circuit produces an output protein in response to an input stimulus. We can engineer biocircuits to meet design specifications, using genetic engineering. Our aim is to build a library of in vitro biocircuits representing the Boolean functions. The biocircuits from this library can be further cascaded to form larger circuits. In this paper, we review the feasibility of building biocircuits. We discuss the construction of Boolean logic gates such as NOT, AND and OR and their verification by simulation. We also address important aspects such as cascading of the biocircuits and practical implementation. In addition, we describe an algorithm Box that can help to control biocircuit characteristics such as gain and switching behavior. This approach is similar to design space exploration in traditional VLSI, but takes into account biological knowledge obtained through experiments. We also provide insight into the robustness of biocircuits in the presence of noise. This paper is intended to pave the way for electrical engineers to start exploring the field of biocircuits.Keywords -biocircuits, bio-inverter, noise model, sensitivity analysis, optimization.
IntroductionConventionally, VLSI circuits are built using CMOS transistors and the circuits are typically fabricated on silicon. Developments in the areas of design automation and process fabrication have resulted in the progressive increase of the number of transistors per chip and the progressive decrease in the size of the transistors. Transistors are fast approaching the size of atoms and this presents a fundamental barrier to further reduction in transistor sizes [1]. Scientists are already looking at alternate technologies that can be used to develop the next-generation circuits. The three main research areas in this direction are nanotechnology, quantum computing and biocomputing.Nanotechnology deals with the design of electronic circuits at the atomic range of 0.1-100nm [2]. At the time this paper is being written, Intel has ...