Communication is the key to the success and stability of any organization. The very beginning of civilization owes its evolution to effective communication. Therefore, the whole process for the creation of any company is related to communication between the working groups. The present study investigated how the productivity of Portuguese military organizations (Portuguese Air Force, Portuguese Army, Navy, and Republican National Guard) is influenced by the type of 2 communication used. In the methodology used for this research, the questionnaire was adopted as a data collection instrument applied to the three branches of the Armed Forces and the National Republican Guard. Chain communication, characteristic of the military environment, is one of the oldest institutional means of communication. This type of communication is characterized by a downward flow in which the institution’s highest rank transmits a message that must be orchestrated by the other posts until the information reaches the lowest level, the executing or operational level. The viability of communication in these institutions has been demonstrated throughout history. However, there are also certain disadvantages of this type of communication when compared to other institutions where there is greater openness in terms of communication between the various hierarchical levels.