Biased left-right asymmetry is a fascinating and medically important phenomenon. We provide molecular genetic and physiological characterization of a novel, conserved, early, biophysical event that is crucial for correct asymmetry: H + flux. A pharmacological screen implicated the H + -pump H + -V-ATPase in Xenopus asymmetry, where it acts upstream of early asymmetric markers. Immunohistochemistry revealed an actin-dependent asymmetry of H + -V-ATPase subunits during the first three cleavages. H + -flux across plasma membranes is also asymmetric at the four-and eight-cell stages, and this asymmetry requires H + -V-ATPase activity. Abolishing the asymmetry in H + flux, using a dominant-negative subunit of the H + -V-ATPase or an ectopic H + pump, randomized embryonic situs without causing any other defects. To understand the mechanism of action of H + -V-ATPase, we isolated its two physiological functions, cytoplasmic pH and membrane voltage (V mem ) regulation. Varying either pH or V mem , independently of direct manipulation of H + -V-ATPase, caused disruptions of normal asymmetry, suggesting roles for both functions. V-ATPase inhibition also abolished the normal early localization of serotonin, functionally linking these two early asymmetry pathways. The involvement of H + -V-ATPase in asymmetry is conserved to chick and zebrafish. Inhibition of the H + -V-ATPase induces heterotaxia in both species; in chick, H + -V-ATPase activity is upstream of Shh; in fish, it is upstream of Kupffer's vesicle and Spaw expression. Our data implicate H + -V-ATPase activity in patterning the LR axis of vertebrates and reveal mechanisms upstream and downstream of its activity. We propose a pH-and V mem -dependent model of the early physiology of LR patterning. Development 133, 1657Development 133, -1671Development 133, (2006 DEVELOPMENT 1658 necessary to characterize the endogenous behavior of the relevant pumps in embryos and to place their function in the context of known LR patterning mechanisms. Here, we explore the properties of H + -V-ATPase function in several vertebrate embryos. Through endogenous localization of the H + -V-ATPase and gain-and loss-offunction experiments in chick, frog and zebrafish, we identify the H + -V-ATPase as a novel, conserved, obligate component of LR patterning upstream of asymmetric gene expression.
KEY WORDS: Left-right asymmetry, H + -V-ATPase, V-ATPase, Xenopus, Chick, Zebrafish, Axial patterning, Cytoplasmic pH, Membrane voltage
Animal husbandryXenopus embryos were collected according to standard protocols (Sive et al., 2000) in 0.1ϫ Modified Marc's Ringers (MMR) pH 7.8 + 0.1% Gentamicin. Xenopus embryos were staged according to Nieuwkoop and Faber (Nieuwkoop and Faber, 1967). Chick embryos from Charles River Laboratories, maintained at 38°C, were staged according to Hamburger and Hamilton (Hamburger and Hamilton, 1992). Zebrafish embryos (Westerfield, 1995) were maintained at 28.5°C in water containing 1 drop per gallon Methyl Blue.
Assaying organ situsXenopus e...