Aerodynamic characteristics of four lifting-body-type configurations for a reentry vehicle, namely, a baseline configuration, a fin-off configuration, a 45-deg canted fin configuration and an upswept upper-aftbody configuration, are investigated by wind-tunnel tests and compared, focusing on aerodynamic performance aspects such as longitudinal trim capability, longitudinal and lateral/directional static stability, and subsonic lifting surface loading. The upswept upper-aftbody configuration showed the best performance from longitudinal trim, and longitudinal and lateral/directional static stability points of view, which suggests that modifying the upper aft part of the fuselage of the baseline configuration is the most promising approach to improving its characteristics.
Nomenclatureratio of moment of inertia around z and x axes LB = fuselage length, m M = freestream Mach number S = fuselage planform area, m 2 W = vehicle weight, kg W/CLS = lifting surface loading, kg/m 2 Xcg = center of gravity, origin at the nose Xcp/LB = center of pressure normalized by LB, origin at the nose Xnp/LB = longitudinal neutral point normalized by LB, origin at the nose Xnp,y dyn = lateral/directional neutral point normalized by LB, origin at the nose α = angle of attack, deg β = sideslip angle, deg δe = elevator deflection angle, deg ε = emissivity Presented as Paper 2002-5265 at the AIAA/AAAF 11th International