We argue that the gauge symmetry which includes SU (3) L as a higher weak-isospin symmetry is manifestly given by SU (3) C ⊗ SU (3) L ⊗ U (1) X ⊗ U (1) N , where the last two factors determine the electric charge and B − L, respectively. This theory not only provides a consistent unification of the electroweak and B − L interactions, but also gives insights in dark matter, neutrino masses, and inflation. The dark matter belongs to a class of new particles that have wrong B − L numbers, and is stabilized due to a newly-realized W -parity as residual gauge symmetry. The B − L breaking field is important to define the W -parity, seesaw scales, and inflaton. Furthermore, the number of fermion generations and the electric charge quantization are explained naturally. We also show that the previous 3-3-1 models are only an effective theory as the B − L charge and the unitarity argument are violated. This work substantially generalizes our recently-proposed 3-3-1-1 model.