Considering the 3d Ising universality class of the QCD critical endpoint we use a universal effective action for the description of the baryon-number density fluctuations around the critical region. Calculating the baryon-number multiplicity moments and determining their scaling with system's size we show that the critical region is very narrow in the direction of the baryon chemical potential µ and wide in the temperature direction T for T > Tc. In this context, published experimental results on local proton density-fluctuation measurements obtained by intermittency analysis in transverse momentum space in NA49 central A+A collisions at √ sNN = 17.2 GeV (A=C,Si,Pb), restrict significantly the location (µc, Tc) of the QCD critical endpoint. The main constraint is provided by the freeze-out chemical potential of the Si+Si system, which shows non-conventional baryon density fluctuations, restricting (µc, Tc) within a narrow domain, 119 MeV ≤ Tc ≤ 162 MeV, 252 MeV ≤ µc ≤ 258 MeV, of the phase diagram.