ABSTRACT. Let G be a simply connected semi-simple complex algebraic group. We prove that every Schubert variety of G has a flat degeneration into a toric variety. This provides a generalization of results of [7], [6], [5]. Our basic tool is Lusztig's canonical basis and the string parametrization of this basis. This research has been partially supported by the EC TMR network "Algebraic Lie Representations" , contract no. ERB FMTX-CT97-0100. 0. Introduction. 0.1. Let G be a simply connected semi-simple complex algebraic group. Fix a maximal torus T and a Borel subgroup B such that T ⊂ B ⊂ G. Let W the Weyl group of G relative to T . For any w in W , let X w = BwB/B denote the Schubert variety corresponding to w. This article is concerned with the following problem.
Degeneration Problem. Is there a flat family over SpecC[t], such that the general fiber is X w and the special fiber is a toric variety?The existence of such a degeneration was obtained by N. Gonciulea and V. Lakshmibai for G = SL n , [7]. Their proof is based on the theory of standard monomials. In the case G = SL n , the corner stone of their proof is the following : fundamental weights are minuscule weights, hence, a basis of every fundamental representation is endowed with a structure of distributive lattice.A toric degeneration for Schubert varieties is given in [5], [6], for G of rank 2. The proofs rely on the theory of standard monomials as well. A natural question would be : is there a (flat) toric degeneration of the flag variety G/B which restricts to a toric