We study the topology of the configuration space C(n, w) of n hard disks of unit diameter in an infinite strip of width w. We describe ranges of parameter or "regimes", where homology H j [C(n, w)] behaves in qualitatively different ways.We show that if w ≥ j + 2, then the inclusion i into the configuration space of n points in the plane C(n, R 2 ) induces an isomorphism on homology i * :The Betti numbers of C(n, R 2 ) were computed by Arnold [1], and so as a corollary of the isomorphism, if w and j are fixed then β j [C(n, w)] is a polynomial of degree 2j in n.On the other hand, we show that w and j are fixed and 2 ≤ w ≤ j + 1, then β j [C(n, w)] grows exponentially fast with n. Most of our work is in carefully estimating β j [C(n, w)] in this regime.We also illustrate for every n the "phase portrait" in the (w, j)-planethe parameter values where homology H j [C(n, w)] is trivial, nontrivial, and isomorphic with H j [C(n, R 2 )]. Motivated by the notion of phase transitions for hard-spheres systems, we discuss these as the "homological solid, liquid, and gas" regimes.