In order to elucidate the role of surfaces at nonequilibrium phase transitions we consider kinetic Ising models with surfaces subjected to a periodic oscillating magnetic field. Whereas the corresponding bulk system undergoes a continuous nonequilibrium phase transition characterized by the exponents of the equilibrium Ising model, we find that the nonequilibrium surface exponents do not coincide with those of the equilibrium critical surface. In addition, in three space dimensions the surface phase diagram of the nonequilibrium system differs markedly from that of the equilibrium system.PACS numbers: 64.60. Ht,68.35.Rh,05.70.Ln,05.50.+q The ubiquity of nonequilibrium steady states in nature constitutes a permanent reminder of the challenges encountered when trying to understand interacting manybody systems far from equilibrium. Whereas in some instances, as for example paradigmatic transport models [1] or driven diffusive systems [2], notable progress has been achieved in understanding nonequilibrium steady states, a common theoretical framework remains elusive. This is especially true in cases where steady states are influenced by the presence of surfaces or interfaces, which can change properties even deep inside the bulk [3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17].Nonequilibrium phase transitions form an interesting class of phenomena that share many commonalities with their equilibrium counterparts. For example, for continuous transitions different universality classes, characterized by different sets of critical exponents, have been identified. Well-known examples can be found in driven diffusive systems [2], at absorbing phase transitions [18,19] or in magnetic systems subjected to a periodically oscillating external field [20,21]. For some absorbing phase transitions, as for example directed percolation, the surface critical properties have been studied to some extent, see [6] and references therein.Kinetic ferromagnets in a periodically oscillating magnetic field display as a function of the field frequency a nonequilibrium phase transition between a dynamically disordered phase at low frequencies and a dynamically ordered phase at high frequencies. Let us assume that the magnetization is aligned with the direction of the external field. If the field now reverses direction, the system becomes metastable and tries to reverse its magnetization through the nucleation of droplets that are aligned with the field. If the period of the field is large compared to the metastable lifetime, then the metastable state completely decays before the field reverses direction again, i.e. the ferromagnet is able to 'follow' the field, yielding a time-dependent magnetization that oscillates symmetrically about zero. The dynamically ordered phase is obtained when the period of the field is small compared to the metastable lifetime, thus that the system is not able to fully decay from the metastable state before the field changes direction again. The magnetization then oscillates about a non-zero value. This beh...