Early insight on the critical dynamics of phase transitions arose in a cosmological setting in an effort to understand the origin of structure formation in the early Universe. Kibble pointed out that in a spontaneous symmetry breaking scenario, when a system is driven across a phase transition from a high-symmetry phase to a topologically nontrivial vacuum manifold, causally disconnected regions of the system choose independently the broken symmetry (1,2). These conflicting choices result in the formation of topological defects, such as domain walls in a ferromagnet and vortices in a superfluid, to name a couple of familiar examples. Soon after, Zurek indicated that signatures of universality in the dynamics of a phase transition could be tested in condensed matter systems, e.g., superfluid Helium (3,4). Further, he improved the estimate for the average size of the domains and predicted a universal power law for the density of topological defects as a function of the rate at which the phase transition is crossed. The combination of these ideas is known as the Kibble-Zurek mechanism (KZM) and has been a lively subject of both theoretical and experimental research during the last decades. The abundant attempts to verify the KZM in the laboratory have however faced a variety of shortcomings and while different aspects of the mechanism have been confirmed, a definite test is still missing (5). A remarkable step forward is reported in this issue by Deutschländer et al., who used colloidal monolayers as a test bed for universal critical dyamics with unprecedented accuracy (6).