Despite exhibiting weaker piezoelectric properties than commonly used ferroelectric ceramics [ 1 ] (such as barium titanate and lead zirconium titanate) their piezoelectric properties are still technologically viable [ 2 ] while simultaneously possessing a range of advantages over ceramics including being fl exible, low-temperature and solution-processable, light weight, nontoxic and biocompatible, chemically robust, and mechanically stable. [ 3 ] The recent surge in interest has arisen from their suitability in a range of developing technologies such as sensing, [ 4 ] actuation, [ 5 ] nonvolatile memory, [6][7][8] and vibrational energy harvesting applications. [ 2,3 ] For piezoelectric/ pyroelectric applications in particular, there is a requirement for the material to be poled, i.e., to have orientated dipoles, in order for the piezoelectricity/pyroelectricity to manifest. This is typically achieved through externally applied electric fi elds, high temperatures, and/or mechanical stretching.Ferroelectric polymer nanowires grown using a template-wetting method are shown to achieve an orientated "self-poled" structure resulting from the confi ned growth process. Self-poling is highly desirable as it negates the need for high electric fi elds, mechanical stretching, and/ or high temperatures typically associated with poling treatments in ferroelectric polymers, as required for piezoelectric and/or pyroelectric applications. Here, differential scanning calorimetry, infrared spectroscopy, and dielectric permittivity measurements have been presented on as-fabricated template-grown polyvinylidene fl uoride-trifl uoroethylene nanowires, and quantitatively compared with spin-cast fi lms of the same composition that have been electrically poled, both before and after subsequent depoling temperature treatment. The measurements reveal remarkably similar trends between the physical properties of the as-grown nanowires and the electrically poled fi lm samples, providing insight into the material structure of the "self-poled" nano wires. In addition, piezoresponse force microscopy data are presented that allow for unambiguous identifi cation of self-poling in ferroelectric polymer nanostructures. Our results indicate the suitability of the template-wetting approach in fabricating nanowires that can be used directly for piezoelectric/pyroelectric applications, without the need for post-deposition poling/processing.