Solid and liquid mixtures in river courses intensify in areas of river confluence, conditioned mainly by the angular opening of the junction. Knowledge of hydrosedimentological dynamics in bedrock junctions with different angular openings is essential for understanding morphological adjustment at confluences and for supporting actions for the preservation and conservation of river ecosystems. For this reason, this article presents the results of a hydrogeomorphologic study on a river confluence with an obtuse junction angle (>100º), in a plateau bedrock river, in the Serra Geral Formation. The research evaluated a fluvial segment upstream and downstream of the Pedras River and in the Pombas River tributary, in Guarapuava, Paraná, through observations and measurements of morphological and hydraulic characteristics, width, talweg depth, bed declivity and bankfull flow. Morphological adjustment in obtuse confluences is peculiar in that the fluvial junction angle conditions specific flow, erosion, sediment transport and deposition dynamics, mainly resulting from its association with the geological nature of the river bed and types of land use and management upstream of the confluence.