Oocytes of Xenopus laevis are large, single cells that provide a promising model system for the exploration of the MR biophysics fundamental to more complex living systems. Previous studies have generally employed 2D spin-echo sequences with an image slice thickness greater than the thickness of the cellular volumes of interest. Also, the large cytoplasmic lipid signal has typically been ignored. This study describes separate, highresolution 3D measurements of the water and lipid spin densities, T 1 and T 2 relaxation time constants, and the water apparent diffusion rate constant (ADC) in the Xenopus oocyte without significant partial volume artifacts. The lipid spin-density and values for water MR properties varied monotonically from the vegetal to animal poles, indicating that the border between the poles is not sharply demarcated. The Xenopus laevis oocyte is a well-established cell model used in many branches of modern experimental biology. This versatile cell provides a promising model platform upon which to explore fundamental aspects of the MR biophysics underlying more complex living systems. In particular, the ability to spatially resolve the intracellular compartment allows the direct testing of hypotheses regarding various MR properties of the cytoplasm and nucleus. Recent efforts to integrate confocal microscopy and MR imaging will likely augment the capability of such experiments (1).Aguayo et al. (2) reported the first MR images of the Xenopus oocyte in 1986. Along with intriguing contrast between intracellular regions, the authors described a strong chemical shift artifact from cytoplasmic lipid. Posse and Aue (3) further characterized this lipid signal using a 4D spectroscopic imaging technique. Both studies localized the lipid signal to the cytoplasm, with little or no lipid signal arising from the nucleus. Since these initial studies, several investigators have calculated spin densities and T 2 and/or T 1 relaxation time constants for the oocyte nucleus, animal pole, and vegetal pole in control or altered cells (4 -6). The effect of the unknown, spatially varying lipid spin-density on these calculations, if any, has been largely ignored. Further, these studies have routinely employed 2D spin-echo sequences with slice profiles thicker than the cellular volumes of interest (VOIs), raising concerns regarding partial volume effects. This shortcoming is especially detrimental to studies of the nucleus, which has a diameter of only 300 m.Herein we present separate, high-resolution 3D measurements of the water and lipid spin densities, T 1 and T 2 relaxation time constants, and the water apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in the Xenopus oocyte without significant partial volume artifacts. We challenge the conventional binary segmentation of the oocyte cytoplasm into vegetal and animal poles and recognize cylindrical symmetry about the vegetal-animal (V-A) axis. Lipid-specific imaging is demonstrated for which water suppression is achieved via high diffusion weighting in the imaging sequence. We corr...