We study conformal partial waves (CPWs) in Mellin space with totally symmetric external operators of arbitrary integer spin. The exchanged spin is arbitrary, and includes mixed symmetry and (partially)-conserved representations. In a basis of CPWs recently introduced in arXiv:1702.08619, we find a remarkable factorisation of the external spin dependence in their Mellin representation. This property allows a relatively straightforward study of inversion formulae to extract OPE data from the Mellin representation of spinning 4pt correlators and in particular, to extract closed-form expressions for crossing kernels of spinning CPWs in terms of the hypergeometric function 4 F 3 . We consider numerous examples involving both arbitrary internal and external spins, and for both leading and sub-leading twist operators. As an application, working in general d we extract new results for O(1/N) anomalous dimensions of double-trace operators induced by double-trace deformations constructed from single-trace operators of generic twist and integer spin. In particular, we extract the anomalous dimensions of double-trace operators [O J ] n,l with O J a single-trace operator of integer spin J. 1 See however [48] for recent analytic results for the scalar-fermion bootstrap. 2 The Mellin space approach to the conformal bootstrap was initiated in [32,33,57] for external scalar operators. 1 of 77) www.advancedsciencenews.com www.fp-journal.org In §5.2.1 we apply our formalism to spinning correlators in arbitrary space-time dimensions, which also requires to consider mixed symmetry CPWs and their crossing kernels -which we derive. In particular, using the methods of §3 we first extract mean-field theory OPE coefficients for leading twist double-trace operators [O J ] 0,l built from a spin-J single-trace operator O J and a scalar operator . Combining the latter with the results for crossing kernels, we then obtain the anomalous dimensions of the doubletrace operators [O J ] 0,l induced by the double-trace flow (1.1) with l = 0.
(3 The basis itself was originally obtained in the context of simplifying the kinematic map between bulk cubic couplings and 3pt conformal structures, so our proposed framework also lends itself nicely to studies of bulk physics. 4 Some of such nested formulas recently appeared in the literature in a different CFT basis. [62] For external scalars, such formulas were originally given in [29].