There are two principal forms of vibrational optical activity (VOA), an IR form referred to as vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) and Raman form known as Raman optical activity (ROA). This paper reports examples of the application of VCD spectroscopy for the determination of the absolute configuration and conformation of chiral molecules, e.g. cyclic -lactams. VCD spectroscopy can be applied for the characterization of the conformation of proteins and peptides in solution. VCD based conformational analysis of cyclic peptides is discussed. Examples are the cyclic hexapeptide cyclo(Pro 2 -Gly-Pro 2 -Gly) and cyclic peptides comprising -homoamino acids (trans-2-aminocyclopentane or trans-2-aminocyclohexane carboxylic acid). Structure analysis by VCD of opiate peptides, glycopeptides, peptidomimetics and chiral transition metal complexes are also discussed.