BACKGROUND: A benign teratodermoid tumor of thoracoabdominal localization is a rare condition in which one half of the formation is located in the pleural cavity, and covered with the visceral pleura of the right lung lower lobe and the other half is located in the right liver lobe The incidence of teratodermoid tumors of the thoracic-abdominal location is unknown; no such publications are found in the literature .
CLINICAL CASE DESCRIPTION: This article describes a clinical case of a child with a benign teratodermoid tumor of thoraco-abdominal localization, which was detected during X-ray examination of the chest organs because of respiratory disease. It is believed that surgical intervention is the only effective treatment for this pathology. During surgery, it was found out that the tumor had a dumbbell shape; its upper part was located in the chest cavity, and the symmetrical lower part-via a congenital hole in the diaphragm — was located in the right liver lobe. Despite of such unusual location, all tumor was enucleated.
CONCLUSION: This clinical case demonstrates the only described complete surgical removal of the tumor with rare thoracoabdominal location.