“…Over 300 cases of optic disc pits have been published since the anomaly was first mentioned in the literature by Wiethe [1882], The appearance of a pit and its com plications, notably macular edema [/?m, 1908], have been described in relatively large series [Vogeland Wessing, 1974], and these complications are known to occur in about one third of all cases of optic disc pits [Sugar, 1962[Sugar, , 1967, The fluorescein-angiographic appearance of complicated pits has not been uniformly described by all authors. Some publications stress an increased fluorescein leakage in the edematous retina adjacent to the pit [Gordon and Chatjield, 1969], whereas others have found no dye extrava sation whatsoever [Gass, 1969;Cordier et al, 1970], Treatment by light coagulation has been disappointing and is usually not recommended [Vogel and Wessing, 1974], although isolated case reports have shown encouraging results [Jack, 1969;Sarraux and Le François, 1977].…”