Distributed-Queue Dual-Bus (DQDB) network is the recently adopted IEEE 802.6 standard for Media Access Control (MAC) in metropolitan area level networking environment [S, 6 and references therein, 16, 181. Manhattan Street Network (MSN} is a special kind of twoconnected regular mesh type di-graph (directed graph) proposed by Maxemchuk [ I S ] for local, metropolitan, and wide area networking. It is, however, expected [8-13, I S ] that the MSN will be more useful as a logical (or soft or virtual) backbone architecture interconnecting a large number of MSNs [ I S ] or FDDIs 191, or DQDBs [131, or a mix of each of them [I3]. Our concern in this paper is to investigate the performance of interconnected DQDBs, while the MSN is being used as the backbone architecture with neural brouters 1131 at its nodes. It is interesting to note that, since the MSN topology is logically equivalent to multi-channel ring network [13], it may be easily adapted to operate as a token ring -of course with multiple tokens -or token mesh network at heavy load conditions.Relevant performance measures using both analytical method and simularion are also included in this paper.