Middle ear (ME) pressure-regulation (MEPR) is a homeostatic mechanism
that maintains the ME-environment pressure-gradient (MEEPG) within a range
optimized for “normal” hearing.
Describe MEPR using equations applicable to passive,
inter-compartmental gas-exchange and determine if the predictions of that
description include the increasing ME pressure observed under certain
conditions and interpreted by some as evidencing gas-production by the ME
MEPR was modeled as the combined effect of passive gas-exchanges
between the ME and: perilymph via the round window membrane, the ambient
environment via the tympanic membrane, and the local blood via the ME mucosa
and of gas flow between the ME and nasopharynx during Eustachian tube
openings. The first 3 of these exchanges are described at the species level
using the Fick’s diffusion equation and the last as a bulk gas
transfer governed by Poiseuille’s equation. The model structure is a
time-iteration of the equation:
PMEg(t=(i+1)Δt) =
There, PMEg(t=iΔt) and
PMEs(t=iΔt) are the ME total and
species-pressures at the indexed times,
PCs(t=iΔt) is the species-pressure
for each exchange-compartment,
βMEsVME is the product of the
ME species-capacitance and volume, ҚP is the pathway
species-conductance, and ΣS and ΣP are
operators for summing the expression over all species or exchange
When calibrated to known values, the model predicts the empirically
measured ME species-pressures and the observed time-trajectories for total
ME pressure and the MEEPG under a wide variety of physiologic, pathologic
and non-physiologic conditions.
Passive inter-compartmental gas exchange is sole and sufficient to
describe MEPR.