“…In this section we will provide a guide to the tables in the following section. Let S be the set of pairs (p, q) of odd primes {(3, 7), (3,13), (3,19), (3,31), (5,11), (5, 31), (7, 29)}, which all satisfy q ≡ 1 mod p, let F p,q be the degree p subfield of Q(ζ q ) and write G = Gal(F p,q /Q). For each of the 38 abelian varieties A of conductor at most 500 that arise as Jacobians of genus 2 curves over Q that are listed in the LMFDB [17] and each pair (p, q) ∈ S, we calculated the p-tuple of modified L-values L q (A, ψ) : ψ ∈ G .…”