For any atoroidal iwip ϕ ∈ Out(FN ) the mapping torus group Gϕ = FN ⋊ϕ t is hyperbolic, and, by a result of Mitra, the embedding ι : FN ✁ −→ Gϕ induces a continuous, FN -equivariant and surjective Cannon-Thurston map ι : ∂FN → ∂Gϕ.We prove that for any ϕ as above, the map ι is finite-to-one and that the preimage of every point of ∂Gϕ has cardinality ≤ 2N .We also prove that every point S ∈ ∂Gϕ with ≥ 3 preimages in ∂FN has the form (wt m ) ∞ where w ∈ FN , m = 0, and that there are at most 4N − 5 distinct FN -orbits of such singular points in ∂Gϕ (for the translation action of FN on ∂Gϕ).By contrast, we show that for k = 1, 2 there are uncountably many points S ∈ ∂Gϕ (and thus uncountably many FN -orbits of such S) with exactly k preimages in ∂FN .If G is a word-hyperbolic group and H a word-hyperbolic subgroup, and if the inclusion ι : H → G extends to a continuous map ι : ∂H → ∂G, then the map ι is called the Cannon-Thurston map; in this context this definition is due to Mitra [45,46,47]. In particular, if the Cannon-Thurston map ι : ∂H → ∂G exists, then this map is unique and for any sequence h n ∈ H ∪ ∂H converging to some X ∈ ∂H in the topology of H ∪ ∂H, we have lim n→∞ h n = ι(X) in G ∪ ∂G. It is known, see [30, Proposition 2.12], that if H is a non-elementary word-hyperbolic subgroup of a word-hyperbolic group G, then a map ∂H → ∂G is the Cannon-Thurston map if and only if this map is continuous and H-equivariant.