The set-valued optimization problem with constraints is considered in the sense of super efficiency in locally convex linear topological spaces. Under the assumption of iccone-convexlikeness, by applying the seperation theorem, Kuhn-Tucker's, Lagrange's and saddle points optimality conditions, the necessary conditions are obtained for the set-valued optimization problem to attain its super efficient solutions. Also, the sufficient conditions for Kuhn-Tucker's, Lagrange's and saddle points optimality conditions are derived. §1 Introduction Let Q be an arbitrary set, D and E be convex cones of locally convex spaces Y and Z, respectively. Let F (resp.G) be a set-valued map associating to any point x ∈ Q a nonempty set F (x) [resp.G(x)] of Y [resp.Z]. Borwein and Zhung [1] introduced the concept of super efficiency in normed vector spaces. Later, Zheng [2] generalized it to locally convex topological vector spaces. In this paper, we are interested in super efficient solutions of the following vector optimization problem:Necessary conditions for proper efficiency and other results related to optimization theory such as minimax theorems, alternative theorems, etc. have been developed in several papers under some generalized convexity assumptions: cone-convexlikeness, cone-subconvexlikeness, and near cone-subconvexlikeness [3][4][5][6][7][8] , among them, the near cone-subconvexlikeness is the most general notion. The definition of near cone-subconvexlikeness does not require any topological structure of the cones D and E, the nonemptiness of the interior of these cones must be satisfied when proving optimization results [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] .