Strong, short-ranged positional correlations involving counterions can induce a net attractive force between negatively charged strands of DNA and lead to the formation of ion pairs in dilute ionic solutions. However, the long range of the Coulomb interactions impedes the development of a simple local picture. We address this general problem by mapping the properties of a nonuniform system with Coulomb interactions onto those of a simpler system with short-ranged intermolecular interactions in an effective external field that accounts for the averaged effects of appropriately chosen long-ranged and slowly varying components of the Coulomb interactions. The remaining short-ranged components combine with the other molecular core interactions and strongly affect pair correlations in dense or strongly coupled systems. We show that pair correlation functions in the effective short-ranged system closely resemble those in the uniform primitive model of ionic solutions and illustrate the formation of ion pairs and clusters at low densities. The theory accurately describes detailed features of the effective attraction between two equally charged walls at strong coupling and intermediate separations of the walls. Analytical results for the minimal coupling strength needed to get any attraction and for the separation at which the attractive force is a maximum are presented.effective short-ranged model ͉ ion pairing ͉ mean field theory ͉ Poission-Boltzmann S trong Coulomb interactions in crowded, nonuniform environments have important experimental consequences in a wide variety of biophysical applications ranging from DNA packaging in viruses to transport in ion channels (1-4). These interactions present major challenges to theory and computer simulations not only because of their characteristic long range but also because they can be very strong at short distances. Here, we present a local molecular field (LMF) theory (5) that averages over particular long-ranged and slowly varying components of the Coulomb interactions (6) while still maintaining an accurate description of the short-ranged components. Our model provides a general and physically suggestive theory for strongly coupled Coulomb systems and reduces exactly to the classical Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) approximation for dilute, weakly coupled systems.We consider a general starting point where a molecule of species i, described by a rigid body frame with center at r i , interacts with an external field, fi (r i ), that comes from fixed charged solutes, or walls, or particular fixed molecules of a mobile species, as illustrated below. The subscript f indicates the source of the field, which we treat as a special fixed species f. The interaction between a pair of molecules of species i and j is assumed to have the general form w ij (r ij ) ϭ w s,ij (r ij ) ϩ w q,ij (r ij ), where r ij ϵ r j Ϫ r i . The w s,ij (r ij ) denote general (repulsive core and other), short-ranged intermolecular interactions. There are angular coordinates expressing orientations of the body fram...