Measuringa ccurate translational self-diffusion coefficients (D t )b yN MR techniques with modern spectrometers has becomer ather routine. In contrast, the derivation of reliablem oleculari nformation therefrom still remains an ontrivial task. In this paper,t wo established approaches to estimating molecular size in termso fh ydrodynamicv olume( V H ) or molecular weight (M) are compared. Ad hoc designede xperiments allowed the criticala spects of their application to be explored by translatingr elativelyc omplex theoretical principles into practical take-homem essages. For instance, comparing the D t values of three isosteric Cp 2 MCl 2 complexes (Cp = cyclopentadienyl,M = Ti,Z r, Hf), having significantly differentm olecularm ass, provided an empiricald em-onstration that V H is the criticalm olecular property affecting D t .T his central concept served to clarify the assumptions behindt he derivation of D t = f(M) power laws from the Stokes-Einstein equation. Somep itfalls in establishing log (D t )v ersus log (M) linear correlations for as et of species have been highlighted by further investigations of selected examples. The effectiveness of the Stokes-Einstein equation itself in describing the aggregation or polymerization of differently shaped speciesh as been explored by comparing, for example, ab all-shaped silsesquioxane cage with its cigarlike dimeric form, or styrenew ith polystyrene macromolecules.[a] Dr.Supporting Information and the ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article can be found under: https://doi.