Plant -fungal endophyte interactions are common in nature and they can shape the ecology of plants. Vertically transmitted endophytes are hypothesized to serve as mutualists, protecting plants from herbivores. If this hypothesis is true, then we expect endophytes to be most abundant in the presence of herbivores and least abundant in their absence, assuming endophytes incur a cost to their host. We tested this prediction by studying the effects of intense rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus Linnaeus) grazing on grass-endophyte interactions at Silwood Park, UK. We examined seeds of red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) collected from 15 natural populations that were protected from rabbits for 0.3-21 years. Contrary to our prediction, the mean proportion of seeds with endophytes increased 1.84×, from 0.45 to 0.83, following 21 years of rabbit exclusion. To better understand the mechanisms driving this increase in frequency, we conducted a fully factorial greenhouse experiment where we manipulated the presence or absence of endophyte infection, intraspecific competition, and simulated grazing on F. rubra plants.In both damaged and undamaged treatments, infected plants produced approximately twice as much biomass as uninfected plants, and endophytes did not influence tolerance to herbivory. These results suggest that endophytes directly change plant growth but not compensatory responses to damage. In the absence of competitors, infected plants produced 2.17× more biomass than uninfected plants, whereas in the presence of competitors, infected plants produced only 1.55× more biomass than uninfected plants. This difference suggests that intraspecific competition might lessen the benefits of endophyte infection. Our results do not support the defensive mutualism hypothesis, but instead suggest that endophyte-induced plant growth is important in shaping the costs and benefits of endophytes in our system.
Résumé :Les interactions plante -endophyte fongique sont fréquentes dans la nature et elles peuvent façonner l'écologie des végétaux. Les endophytes transmis de manière verticale sont présumés servir d'organismes mutualistes, protégeant les végétaux des herbivores. Si cette hypothèse s'avère, on peut conséquemment s'attendre à ce que les endophytes soient plus abondants en présence d'herbivores et moins abondants en leur absence, assumant que les endophytes engagent un coût pour leur hôte. Les auteurs ont testé cette prédiction en étudiant les effets d'un broutage intense par le lapin (Oryctolagus cuniculus Linnaeus) sur les interactions herbes-endophytes à Silkwood Park, RU. Ils ont examiné les graines de la fétuque rouge (Festuca rubra L.) recueillies de 15 populations naturelles protégées des lapins pendant 0,3-21 ans. Contrairement à leur prédiction, la proportion moyenne de graines comprenant des endophytes augmentait de 1,84×, de 0,45 à 0,83, après avoir exclu les lapins pendant 21 ans. Afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes responsables de cette augmentation de la fréquence, les auteurs ont réalisé des expériences factorielles...