SignificanceTranscriptional activators represent a molecular recognition enigma; their function in transcription initiation requires selective engagement of coactivators yet the prevailing molecular recognition models propose this occurs via nonspecific intermolecular contacts. Here, mechanistic analysis of several related activator•coactivator complexes indicates a resolution to this enigma. In contrast to the expectations from nonspecific recognition models, even slight sequence changes in the activators cause these activator•coactivator complexes to undergo significant conformational redistribution, which is driven by specific intermolecular interactions and conformational changes in the coactivator itself. Our evidence reveals unappreciated specific molecular recognition mechanisms that underlie activator sequence variability, opening new questions about the relationship between recognition and function.Dedication: We dedicate this work to Professor Laura L. Kiessling on the occasion of her 60 th birthday.
AbstractA key functional event in eukaryotic gene activation is the formation of dynamic proteinprotein interaction networks between transcriptional activators and transcriptional coactivators. Seemingly incongruent with the tight regulation of transcription, many biochemical and biophysical studies suggest that activators use nonspecific hydrophobic and/or electrostatic interactions to bind to coactivators, with few if any specific contacts. In contrast, here a mechanistic dissection of a set of representative dynamic activator•coactivator complexes comprised of the ETV/PEA3 family of activators and the coactivator Med25 reveals a different molecular recognition model. The data demonstrate that small sequence variations within an activator family significantly redistribute the conformational ensemble of the complex while not affecting overall affinity, and distal residues within the activator-not often considered as contributing to binding-play a key role in mediating conformational redistribution. The ETV/PEA3•Med25 ensembles are directed by specific contacts between the disordered activator and the Med25 interface, and this specificity is facilitated by structural shifts of the coactivator binding surface. Taken together, this highlights the critical role coactivator plasticity plays in recognition of disordered activators, and indicates that molecular recognition models of disordered proteins must consider the ability of the binding partners to mediate specificity.