In order to study the heating process of the modular charge loaded into the chamber after the continuous firing of the large caliber gun in the high-temperature environment, a 2D transient cook-off model of the modular charge retained in the chamber was established with cook-off method. When the ambient temperature is 323K and the critical temperature of the inner wall of the gun chamber is 443K, the wall temperature distribution of the gun is solved after 2 rounds/min of continuous firing. Taking this as the initial temperature condition, the cook-off process of the modular charge in the chamber is numerically simulated, and then the cook-off-odd characteristics of the modular charge in the high-temperature environment are analyzed. The results show that after 33 rounds of continuous firing at 2 rounds/min at 323K ambient temperature, the temperature of the inner wall of the gun chamber reaches 442.7K, and the modular charge would have a cook-off response after 107.5s after loading into the chamber, and the response temperature is 483.5K. The initial response position of the modular charge is located at the inner wall of the upper right corner of the module cartridge. The consistency between numerical calculation and experimental results shows that the model could analyze the cook-off problem of modular charge in bore well.