The purpose of this study is to estimate effect of perviousness of street's design which is applied by the concept of "Green Infrastructure". We used some scenarios to estimate the effects of fl ood control by applying the concept of "Green Infrastructure" at the three different study areas. The results acquired by a GIS based hydrological modelindicated that the "Green Infrastructure" have signifi cant effect to reduce water runoff. And, two important evaluations were summarized. The purpose of this study is to estimate effect of perviousness of street's design which is applied by the concept of "Green Infrastructure". We used some scenarios to estimate the effects of fl ood control by applying the concept of "Green Infrastructure" at the three different study areas. The results acquired by a GIS based hydrological modelindicated that the "Green Infrastructure" have signifi cant effect to reduce water runoff. And, two important evaluations were summarized. The purpose of this study is to estimate effect of perviousness of street's design which is applied by the concept of "Green Infrastructure". We used some scenarios to estimate the effects of fl ood control by applying the concept of "Green Infrastructure" at the three different study areas. The results acquired by a GIS based hydrological modelindicated that the "Green Infrastructure" have signifi cant effect to reduce water runoff. And, two important evaluations were summarized.
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