G rant J. and Hawley A. 1996. Some observations on the m ating behaviour of captive American pine martens Martes americana. Acta Theriologica 41: 4 3 9 -4 4 2 .Four male and 8 female captive pine martens Martes americana (Turton, 1806) were observed for signs of mating. Behavioural changes associated with the breeding season began in mid-June. Subjective observation indicated that the frequency of abdominal scent marking and body contact between males and females increased from June through July and decreased during A ugust. Aggression between females in creased markedly during the breeding season. The animals emitted diverse vocaliza tions, including a throaty chuckle that was associated with breeding and that was indistin guishable by observers from a call emitted when fem ales appeared to be consoling young kits. Copulation was observed on 4 occasions during July in one pair o f m artens, and was typical of that described for M artes species in general. Two individual copulatory acts were timed and lasted 5 and 14.5 min, respectively. The female appeared to control the timing and duration of copulation and seemed in one instance to actively solicit the attention of the male.