It is shown that the low-frequency relaxation spectrum of the linear dynamic susceptibility of uniaxial single domain particles with a uniform magnetic field applied at an oblique angle to the easy axis can be used to deduce the value of the damping constant. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.64.012411 PACS number͑s͒: 75.50.Tt, 05.40.Ca, 76.20.ϩq, 76.50.ϩg A single domain ferromagnetic particle is characterized by an internal potential, having several local states of equilibrium with potential barriers between them. If the particles are small ͑ϳ 10 nm͒ so that the potential barriers are relatively low, the magnetization vector M may cross over the barriers due to thermal agitation. The ensuing thermal instability of the magnetization results in the phenomenon of superparamagnetism. 1 This problem is important in information storage, rock magnetism, and the magnetization reversal observed in isolated ferromagnetic nanoparticles. 2 The dynamics of the magnetization M of a superparamagnetic particle is usually described by the Landau-Lifshitz or Gilbert ͑LLG͒ equation 3,4 2whereis the free Brownian motion diffusion time of the magnetic moment, ␣ is the dimensionless damping ͑dissipation͒ constant, M s is the saturation magnetization, ␥ is the gyromagnetic ratio, ϭv/(kT), v is the volume of the particle, and the magnetic field H consists of applied fields ͑Zeeman term͒, the anisotropy field H a , and a random white-noise field accounting for the thermal fluctuations of the magnetization of an individual particle. Here the internal magnetization of a particle is assumed homogeneous. Surface and ''memory'' effects are also omitted in Eq. ͑1͒. These assumptions are discussed elsewhere ͑e.g., Refs. 5-7͒. Furthermore, the description of the relaxation processes in the context of Eq. ͑1͒ does not take into account effects such as macroscopic quantum tunneling ͑a mechanism of magnetization reversal suggested in Ref.1͒. These effects are important at very low temperatures 8,9 and necessitate an appropriate quantum-mechanical treatment, e.g., Refs. 10-12.The various regimes of relaxation of M in superparamagnetic particles are governed by ␣. In general, ␣ is difficult to estimate theoretically, although a few experimental methods of measuring ␣ ͓such as ferromagnetic resonance ͑FMR͒ and the angular variation of the switching field, e.g., Refs. 7 and 8͔ have been proposed. Yet another complementary and potentially promising technique, viz., the nonlinear response of single domain particles to alternating ͑ac͒ stimuli, has recently 13 been suggested in order to evaluate ␣. In particular, it has been shown in Ref. 13 that for uniaxial particles having a strong ac field applied at an angle to the easy ͑Z͒ axis, the nonlinear response truncated at terms cubic in the ac field is particularly sensitive to the value of ␣. On the other hand, the linear response to the ac field does not exhibit such behavior. The explanation of this is reasonably straightforward: the linear ac response may simply be calculated from the after effect solution ...