Classical escape rates of uniaxial spin systems are characterized by a prefactor differing from and much smaller than that of the particle problem, since the maximum of the spin energy is attained everywhere on the line of constant latitude: ϭconst, 0рр2. If a transverse field is applied, a saddle point of the energy is formed, and high, moderate, and low damping regimes ͑similar to those for particles͒ appear. Here we present the first analytical and numerical study of crossovers between the uniaxial and other regimes for spin systems. It is shown that there is one HD-Uniaxial crossover, whereas at low damping the uniaxial and LD regimes are separated by two crossovers. ͓S1063-651X͑99͒10512-9͔PACS number͑s͒: 05.40.Ϫa, 75.50.TtThe study of thermal activation escape rates of fine magnetic particles, which are usually modelled as classical spins with predominantly uniaxial anisotropy, may be traced from the early predictions of Néel ͓1͔ through the first theoretical treatments of Brown ͓2,3͔ to the recent experiments of Wernsdorfer et al. ͓4͔ on individual magnetic particles of controlled form. These experiments allow one to check the Stoner-Wohlfarth angular dependence of the switching field ͓5͔ and to make a comparison ͓6,7͔ with existing theories where the energy barrier is reduced by applying a magnetic field. The theories checked are those for the intermediate-tohigh damping ͑IHD͒ case ͓3,8,9͔, as well as for the lowdamping ͑LD͒ case ͓10͔.The IHD and LD limits for spins are similar to those for the particle problem, which were established by Kramers ͓11͔. The most significant difference is that for spins in the HD limit the prefactor ⌫ 0 in the escape rate ⌫ϭ⌫ 0 exp (Ϫ⌬U/T) behaves as ⌫ 0 ϰa, where a is the damping constant ͓if the Landau-Lifshitz ͑LL͒ equation is used͔, whereas for particles ⌫ 0 ϰ1/a. A question which has not yet been addressed, both theoretically and experimentally, and which is the subject of this paper, is how these three dampinggoverned regimes merge into the single uniaxial regime ͓2͔ if the field is removed?Let us consider the Hamiltonianwhere 0 ϭM s V is the magnetic moment and K ϭKV is the uniaxial anisotropy energy of the particle. The FokkerPlanck equation for the distribution function of the spins f (,,t), which follows from the stochastic LL equation, reads