“…", "DOI":"10.1093/ hrlr/ngv025", "ISSN":"1461-7781, 1744-1021", "shortTitle":"Right to Health Litigation in Brazil", "journalAbbreviation":"Human Rights Law Review", "language":" en", "author":[{"family":"Wang", "given":"Daniel Wei L. "}], "issued":{"date-parts" : [["2015",12,1]]}}}], "schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} . It provides detailed descriptions of litigation and advocacy processes, contextualizes the application of social rights, and offers numerous insights about whether and when they may be effective Brinks, 2008;Langford, 2008;Young, 2012;King, 2012;Rodríguez Garavito;Franco, 2015). What have only recently begun to emerge, however, are attempts to examine the efficacy of these guarantees in a systematic and comparative manner.…”