We present a possible supersymmetric solution to the discrepancy between the observed mixing CP asymmetries in B → φKS and B → η ′ KS. We show that due to the different parity in the final states of these processes, their supersymmetric contributions from the R-sector have an opposite sign, which naturally leads to S φK S = S η ′ K S . We also consider the proposed mechanisms to solve the puzzle of the observed large branching ratio of B → η ′ K and their impact on S η ′ K S .Various measurements of CP violation in B factory experiments have been opening a new era for the phenomenology of supersymmetric (SUSY) models. While in the standard model (SM), all the CP violating phenomena have to be explained by a single phase in the CabbiboKobayashi-Maskawa matrix, the SUSY models include additional new sources of CP violation. Since these new effects can manifest themselves in the CP asymmetries of various B-meson decays, the recent observed large discrepancy among the CP asymmetries of B → J/ψK S , B → φK S and B → η ′ K S have raised high expectations for indirectly unveiling low energy SUSY [1].The measurement of the angle of the unitarity triangle β(φ 1 ) by the so-called golden mode B → J/ψK S [2,3]:is in a good agreement with the other measurements based on the standard model analysis. Flowingly, it has been shown that the effect from the SUSY particles in the box diagram which leads to the B 0 − B 0 mixing is typically small [4]. On the contrary, in summer 2002, the B factory experiments reported a surprising result for the measurement of β by using the B → φK S process. Since in the SM, B → J/ψK S and B → φK S have the same B 0 − B 0 mixing part and do not have any additional CP violating phase in the decay process, the same value of sin 2β was expected to be extracted from them. Thus, the discovered large discrepancy [5,3]has created quite a stir. Several efforts to explain this experimental data, in particular, by using SUSY models, have been made. In Ref.[6], it has been shown that this phenomena can be understood without contradicting the smallness of the SUSY effect on B → J/ψK S in the framework of the mass insertion approximation which allows us to perform a model independent analysis of the SUSY breakings [7]. In this approximation, SUSY contributions are proportional to the mass insertions (δ d ij ) AB where i, j and A, B are the generation and chirality indices, respectively. While the measurement of B → J/ψK S implies the smallness of (δ d 13 ) AB , (A, B = L, R), the different generation mass insertion contributing to the B → φK S process, (δ d 23 ) AB , can deviate S φKS from S J/ψKS . In this letter, we discuss another measurement of sin 2β [3,8] S η ′ KS = 0.33 ± 0.34 (3) which has been thought to be problematic [1]. Since B → η ′ K S gets contributions from (δ d 23 ) AB , S η ′ KS and S φKS were expected to display similar discrepancy from S J/ψKS . We will first show that although the magnitude of the SUSY contributions to these processes are indeed similar, B → η ′ K S has an opposite sign i...