An attempt has been made to study the price spread, marketing efficiency and constraints in marketing of mango in South Konkan region of Maharashtra. Primary data were collected from various stakeholders constituting 100 farmers and 50 intermediaries in various channels. Five marketing channels of Alphonso were identified in study area. Intermediaries like retailer, wholesaler, wholesalercum commission agent and village merchant took more profit margins in channel I, II, III, and IV compared to channel V. The marketing efficiency was higher in channel V (11.00) and poor marketing efficiency was found in the channel I and II. From the result it showed that the movement of mango from farmers to consumer at lowest cost consistent in channel V which benefit both farmers and consumer. The major constraints faced by farmers in marketing of mango were high fluctuation in market price (91.00%), poor roads and unavailability of transport facility in time (83.00%), low price to mangoes (80.00%), and high transport cost (65.00%), high cost of packaging material (63.00%), late fruiting result in less price (61.00%) and dependent on intermediaries (60.00%).