i abstracts. Each submission was reviewed by at least three reviewers, all of whom scientists with rich experience and significant achievements in Language Technology and/or Digital Humanities. 24 submissions were accepted as a result of the two reviewing and correction rounds: 13 for oral presentations, the remaining ones as posters. The selected contributions were published online in the Book of Abstracts: https://www.clarin.eu/content/abstracts-overview-clarin-annual-conference-2017.After the conference, the authors of all accepted presentations were invited to prepare significantly expanded versions of their abstracts as full paper proposals. The authors were strongly encouraged to take into account the outcome of the discussion of their presentations during the conference, as well as their further work performed after conference. 12 papers were submitted and reviewed by the Program Committee. Each paper was reviewed by two reviewers, during two iterations. The process was completed by a final review with the aim to check if all the requested changes had been introduced. On the basis of the improved versions sent after the second reviewing iteration, all 12 papers were accepted and included in this volume.The accepted papers represent an overview of the most important topics discussed during the conference. The first two papers (Nicolas et al.) and (Parisse, et al.) report on the process of the formation of national consortia and their initial development.Next, Durco et al. revisit an important problem of constructing mapping between metadata formats from the point of view of building links between the CLARIN CMDI metadata standard and the metadata system in the PARTHENOS project. One of the goals of this project is to build a platform linking several major research infrastructures related to the area of SS&H. Metadata mapping is also close to a very challenging issue of the curation of metadata content.Zinn presents further development of the Switchboard systems for effortless and automated linking of resources with language tools, as well as processing chains on the basis of resources content. A new mechanism of directly linking EUDAT's B2DROP cloud service to Switchboard is the main focus of the paper.The next papers, namely of Sugimoto and Monachini et al., are about a problem of great importance for CLARIN (and every research infrastructure), i.e. studying and discovering users' needs. Sugimoto analyses users' behaviours through the observation of their activities in the already existing infrastructure and its systems. Monachini et al. report on an interesting surveybased study among the researchers in Classics Studies on the actual and intended use of digital methods. The results and conclusions are also illustrated by a mock-up prototype of a future system.The papers of Fišer & Lenardič and Borin et al. are devoted to the enrichment of language resources in CLARIN on the basis of the already existing resources in a way focused on the identified users' needs. Fišer & Lenardič report on the results of a...