This paper describes the architecture and implementation of a distributed simulation of NASA's Orion spacecraft and Ares launch vehicle in a mission to the International Space Station. The simulation is part of the Integrated Mission Simulation (IMSim) project which aims at research and development collaboration among NASA centers. As mission systems are complex, a distributed simulation allows participating centers to build specific simulation models utilizing specialized technologies at each center. Interactions among the simulation models are defined according to mission operation concepts. Traditionally, simulation of space vehicles has been performed as disjoint collections of simulations. However, the traditional approach does not address integration and interaction among the separate simulations. To simulate a system of systems, distributed simulation technologies provide promising solutions. Evaluations from a previous middleware trade study showed that the IEEE 1516 High Level Architecture (HLA) standard is a suitable candidate for IMSim. In this paper, we describe the use of HLA for the Orion to ISS mission. As of July