In this paper, a design of high current and broad-band microwave bias-tee was presented for a stable bias of a high power amplifier. An input impedance of bias-tee should be shown to 50 ohm with the wideband in order to be stably-biased the amplifier. For this design of the bias-tee, a capacitor of bias-tee for a DC block was designed with a high wide-band admittance by a parallel sum of capacitors, and a inductor for a RF choke and a DC feeding was designed with a high wide-band impedance by a series sum of inductors. As this inductor and capacitor for the sum has each SRF, band-limitation of lumped element was driven from SRF. This limitation was overcome by control of a resonance's quality factor with adding a resistor. 1608 SMD chips for design's element was mounted on the this pattern for the designed bias-tee. The fabricated bias-tee presented 10 dB of return loss and wide-band about 50 ohm input impedance at 10 MHz~10 GHz.