Quantum coherence is the key resource for quantum technology, with applications in quantum optics, information processing, metrology and cryptography. Yet, there is no universally efficient method for quantifying coherence either in theoretical or in experimental practice. I introduce a framework for measuring quantum coherence in finite dimensional systems. I define a theoretical measure which satisfies the reliability criteria established in the context of quantum resource theories. Then, I present an experimental scheme implementable with current technology which evaluates the quantum coherence of an unknown state of a d-dimensional system by performing two programmable measurements on an ancillary qubit, in place of the O(d 2 ) direct measurements required by full state reconstruction. The result yields a benchmark for monitoring quantum effects in complex systems, e.g. certifying non-classicality in quantum protocols and probing the quantum behaviour of biological complexes. Introduction -While harnessing quantum coherence is matter of routine in delivering quantum technology [1][2][3][4][5], and the quantum optics rationale rests on creation and manipulation of coherence [6], there is no universally efficient route to measure the amount of quantum coherence carried by the state of a system in dimension d > 2. It is customary to employ quantifiers tailored to the scenario of interest, i.e. of not general employability, expressed in terms of ad hoc entropic functions, correlators, or functions of the off-diagonal density matrix coefficients (if available) [7][8][9]. Quantum information theory provides the framework to address the problem. Physical laws are interpreted as restrictions on the accessible quantum states and operations, while the properties of physical systems are the resources that one must consume to perform a task under such laws [10]. An algorithmic characterization of quantum coherence as a resource and a set of bona fide criteria for coherence monotones have been identified [7, 11, 12]. Also, coherence has been shown to be related to the asymmetry of a quantum state [13, 14]. On the experimental side, the scalability of the detection scheme is a major criterion in developing witnesses and measures of coherence, as we are interested in exploring the quantum features of highly complex macrosystems, e.g. multipartite quantum registers and networks. Therefore, it is desirable to have a coherence measure which is both theoretically sound and experimentally appealing.