Aos docentes, Profa. Dra. Patrícia Scotini Freitas e Profa. Dra. Rosana Aparecida Spadoti Dantas, pelas contribuições oferecidas durante o Exame de Qualificação.Às instituições hospitalares, aos docentes e enfermeiros perioperatórios participantes, que possibilitaram a condução deste estudo.Por fim, a todos que, de forma direta ou indireta, ajudaram-me na realização desta pesquisa.
Palavras-chave: Enfermagem perioperatória. Lista de verificação de segurança cirúgica. Organização Mundial da Saúde. Segurança do paciente. ABSTRACT TOSTES, M.F.P. Surgical safety checklist: evidence for implementation in health services. 2017. 231 f. Thesis (Doctorate) -School of Nursing of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, 2017.Surgical patient safety is a complex and challenging problem at the global level. This study aimed to analyze (a) the available evidence in the literature on the process of implementation of the surgical safety checklist of the World Health Organization in the practice of health services, and (b) the implementation process and the daily use of the surgical safety checklist, according to the report of nurses working in surgical center units of hospitals of two cities located in the state of Paraná. The research was conducted in two phases: integrative review and descriptive study. The search for primary studies was carried out in PubMed, CINAHL and LILACS databases. The sample of the integrative review consisted of 27 studies grouped into three categories, namely: implementation process: strategies for the introduction of the surgical safety checklist in the health services (n = 15); implementation process: strategies to optimize the use of the surgical safety checklist in health services (n = 9) and facilitators and barriers to the implementation of the surgical safety checklist (n = 3). Conducting the integrative review made it possible to understand the process of implementing the list, the different strategies used for its implementation, aspects of implementation considered successful or not very successful in achieving the expected results, facilitators and barriers of this process. The descriptive study was carried out in 25 hospitals of two cities that make up the mesoregion of Northern Central of Paraná state (Londrina and Maringá). Participants were 91 nurses who worked in the surgical center of the selected hospitals. For the data collection, two instruments were elaborated, which were submitted to the apparent validation and content. The results showed that, in most of the hospitals investigated, the surgical safety checklist was implemented, and, for most of the participants, the strategies adopted in the introduction of the list were the previous planning conducted by the nurses, the adaptation with predominance of the use in the printed format and educational program. Regarding the daily use of the list, most of the nurses pointed out the inadequate use of this practice in the following aspects: surgical team's partial adherence to the use of it, difference in adherence bet...