Let P be a geodesic plane in a convex cocompact, acylindrical hyperbolic 3-manifold M . Assume that P * = M * ∩ P is nonempty, where M * is the interior of the convex core of M . Does this condition imply that P is either closed or dense in M ? A positive answer would furnish an analogue of Ratner's theorem in the infinite volume setting.In [MMO2] it is shown that P * is either closed or dense in M * . Moreover, there are at most countably many planes with P * closed, and in all previously known examples, P was also closed in M .In this note we show more exotic behavior can occur: namely, we give an explicit example of a pair (M, P ) such that P * is closed in M * but P is not closed in M . In particular, the answer to the question above is no. Thus Ratner's theorem fails to generalize to planes in acylindrical 3-manifolds, without additional restrictions.