The completion of this book represents, in many ways, far more than the manuscript enclosed here; it represents the broad linguistic education I received by working with great linguists and, at the same time, the valuable extralinguistic training or, better said, life training, I received working with great people. It is my pleasure to express my gratitude to those who have been around me on this journey. To give only a few names, I would like to mention Prof. Marleen Van Peteghem, who taught me how to conduct research with passion, but also with responsibility and integrity; Prof. Jóhanna Barðdal, who always inspired me with her "Golden Hand", but also Prof. Camelia Stan, Prof. Alexandru Mardale, Prof. Johan van der Auwera, Prof. Renata Enghels, for their valuable comments on the content of this book.Of course, I am very grateful to FWO (The Flemish Research Council) that supported this research between 2016 and 2021, offering me the resources to develop myself as a young researcher.Some parts of the present research would not have been possible without the very pleasant and extremely useful discussions with native speakers of some of the languages I investigated: