Goat milk and its derivatives present proven beneficial health properties; however, some sensory aspects associated to consumers' expectations restrict the consumption growth for these products. In this work, fermented caprine milk formulations have been evaluated utilizing the methodology of Discourse of the Collective Subject (Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo -DSC) associated to sensory analysis, in order to evaluate the perception of fermented caprine milk by consumers. The physicochemical and microbiological requisites of the fermented milk formulations evaluated during the storage, were according to current legislation. The probiotic characteristics of evaluated formulations were preserved, presenting viable cells counts for Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5, Bifidobacterium BB-12, and Streptococcus thermophilus higher than 1x10 6 CFU/mL, along 28 days of storage. The Discourse of the Collective Subject results have shown that the typical taste and flavor, present in products derived from caprine milk, did not influence the purchase intention, which was expressive for all fermented milks. The Discourse of the Collective Subject has elucidated the consumers' perspective, determining then both, the consumers' profile and the factors interfering on the acquisition of fermented caprine milk.