Every year, new contact allergens, chemicals reported to have caused contact allergy/ACD for the first time, are described in literature. In the journals Contact Dermatitis and Dermatitis, 172 such compounds were identified in the period 2008-2015, 119 of which induced ACD. These are presented with the following data: name, synonyms, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) number, patch test data, function or class, causative product, number of patients, occupation (in case of occupational ACD), additional clinical data (if applicable), and references. Approximately one third of the new allergens were ingredients of cosmetics, followed by drugs causing occupational ACD (18%), chemicals in rubber, plastics, and paints (9%), drugs causing a drug eruption (9%), as well as chemicals used in laboratories inducing occupational ACD (8%). In 40%, the dermatitis was occupationally acquired. Fifty-three other chemicals causing contact allergy as indicated by positive patch test reactions only are shown without specifics.